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EMAC 2019 Annual Conference

Online Grocery Shopping: Is It Really an “Experience”?

Published: May 28, 2019


Reema Singh, Stockholm School of Economics; Magnus Söderlund, Stockholm School of Economics


Online grocery shopping; online customer experience; customer satisfaction


Over the last couple of decades, the experience construct has become important for both researchers and practitioners. Initially, this construct was relatively narrow and was reserved for highly memorable, personal, and positively charged consumption activities (such as going to Disneyland, river rafting, and participating in Burning Man). However, some researchers have come to use the experience construct in a much broader way to capture also very mundane activities that many consumers view as a chore. This study is an attempt to highlight the extent to which it is useful to include also mundane consumer activities in the experience construct. Empirically, we do so by examining if attributes of an offer reflecting both the narrow and the broad notion of experience are able to explain customer satisfaction in the context of online grocery shopping.


Reema Singh